What Happened to Digimon Super Rumble?

What Happened to Digimon Super Rumble?

Did Digimon Super Rumble ever launch? Did it ever even leave Beta testing? Are the Korean players hoarding the game all to themselves and do we ever have any chance of receiving it over here in the West? And most importantly, why would they call it Digimon Super Rumble? That’s a terrible title for an MMO.
Admittedly, those are all very good questions. And while we’re filled with questions concerning the game, very little in terms of answers have been provided to us.
However don’t dismay – there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

First, let me address the fact that yes, yes it has left Beta testing. The game has been in a fully playable state all year. If you navigate on over to the official website, you’ll see there’s an option to download the game client.
I successfully downloaded it myself, but I have yet to see what happens when I attempt to install it. I speculate we’ll still run into the same issues we did during the Beta test – and that is not having a Korean phone number.
Yet if you manage to get around that and activate an account, you’ll be able to fully play the game. There was never, and still remains no IP blocks in place that prevent players outside of Korea from accessing the game.
As this is a Korean MMO, it is not translated into English yet. So do keep that in mind before wasting time and money on a Korean phone number. Since I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume if you’re interested enough, you’ll no doubt opt to purchase one.

Clicking over to their “Announcement” page, I noticed they’re in active communication with their community. There are updates almost daily concerning events, alterations to the game, additions to the game, bug fixes.
I went through the 10 pages worth of announcements and didn’t find anything concerning a release outside of Korea though. Which doesn’t mean that the game isn’t releasing outside of Korea. It just means that at present, even with the ridiculous frequency of updates, they have no plans of releasing the game Westward.
I tried searching off-site. Their Discord. Public forums. The developers have not spoken about a Global release in any capacity. Looking at their game though – and I mean this in the nicest way possible: It still looks largely incomplete.
Seeing the scenery, seeing the character models. How everything interacts with one another. It’s all still so clunky, so far from an acceptable state in my opinion.
Taking a moment to look through their updates, they’re introducing entirely new areas, new Digimon, new features. So while my comment about the game looking and feeling incomplete is entirely valid, I’m guessing they’re still heavily in the process of improving and finalizing the game – ahead of any type of international release.
If they release in this form, the game will be dead before it has the chance to even capture an audience.

Judging from the little information I could find, it looks as though the game is going to remain a PC exclusive. They have no intentions of releasing this game neither on console, nor on mobile platforms.
Much like Digimon Masters Online, we’re only going to be able to play this on PC.
And much like Digimon Masters Online, this game is unfortunately probably going to run into issues concerning pay to win. I don’t know any Korean players that actively play this game at present, but I know how horrendously pay to win its predecessor was.
It looks like they’re sticking to a turn-based combat system. Honestly, I feel as though this is highly limiting the game’s potential as while I’m a huge fan of turn-based JRPGs, I do not think turn-based combat works in MMOs.
Where players have varied levels of patience, and limited time. There is confirmed PvP present as well, which makes this even more unimaginable to process. Think for a moment: A person waiting 60 seconds between every individual attack.
Unless there’s a much shorter timer – in which case, players in different parts of the world with lag might be at a severe disadvantage.
If Digimon Super Rumble ever released over here in the West, much like in Korea, the game will be completely free to play. Maybe not free to win – but definitely free to at least play. As you’ll be competing with whales that have more money than you’ll ever have to invest.

All in all, I know this isn’t what you were hoping to hear. But they haven’t forgotten about the game – on the contrary, the game is more alive than ever, with a more active team than almost any MMO released in the West.
And while we don’t have a confirmed release date for North America, Europe or anywhere other than Korea, I’m sure it’s only a matter of time. They’ll want to milk us like I used to milk my Miltank back in Pokemon Crystal after all.

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