Legends Of Aria – Shape & Create Your Own World In This Upcoming Sandbox MMORPG!

Greetings and salutations my lovely little Bytelings my name is Wiggy and before I get into this video properly I just wanted to point out that the end of 2017, more specifically September is having so many MMORPG’s either launching, BETA’s opening or updates all coming out in that specific month, With revelations Online’ new expansion, Blade and Souls new class, Closers Online’ English Beta coming out and more few other new thing’s like Soul Workers English version coming out a little later. it’s insane, in a good way.

Okay, let’s get back on topic, I wanted to talk about a unique MMORPG that’s finishing its Alpha tests, that I feel like is a little unknown so I thought I might shed some light on it and see if you guys are interested in it. This MMORPG is called Legend Of Aria.

Now this MMORPG is by no means graphically impressive, it’s not meant to be. It’s intent is to be a good MMORPG, an MMORPG that you invest your time into and not simply jump ship to the new pretty Korean MMORPG you get sick of after a week, because impressively HD Plot only keeps ones mind occupied for so long. While I’m not saying you will necessarily like Legend of Aria, I feel like there are a lot of people who miss this style on MMORPG, and I wanted to alert you guys to it’s existence in case you hadn’t heard of it.

Okay, enough rambling, let’s talk about what this game is actually about shall we? To start off, Legend of Aria has servers, instead of channels like normal MMORPGs, however these servers aren’t like Ark Survival Evolved’s servers where you can only have 70. These servers can a massive amount of players as each individual server can connect to another creating a massive link of servers. So let me explain what servers are in Legend of Aria. There in essence the game world, but each world is different as it’s shaped by the players that play on them. Each one of these servers have player made Rules and guide lines, where the creater of the shard can alter anything from the penalties for stealing items in town, to Player killing, all the way to the monsters AI. None of the servers will have to payed for so if you want to create your own server, for your friends to join with your own world rules you can. However in the future if you want to connect to a larger server to have access to a larger world one with more players you can without losing your own world, you simply travel through a portal that connects your two worlds.

This sounds pretty impressive, if it ends up exactly as it sounds. With Legend of Aria ending it’s Alpha testing in September, we should know soon if it really is or not. As judging an MMORPG in Alpha testing is like looking at a piece of artwork before it’s colored and saying it’s bland.

Now Legend of Aria is straying away from the, constantly repeating quest after quest system that most MMORPGs adopt, going for more explore around, talk to NPC’s listen to rumors and fined what is required of you. Depending on the actions you take while traveling around will have consequences. I’m not entirely sure how this’ll work, but I’m guessing there might be a karma system tracking whether or not you’ve been a naughty little adventurer
or a saint.

Moving onto classes, or the lack of classes Legend of Aria has. So, yeah there are no classes, instead you choose how you progress
as you start of with the basic ability to smack monsters with an object, and as you continue and interact with trainer NPCs or other players you can learn from then, giving you the ability to train in other areas, like magic, archery or the most important skill, how to not die a lot. That’s a handy skill.

Now there are SO many features in this MMORPG, and it’s considered a NEW Ultima Online or Ultima Online 2. So If you guys want to learn more about this MMORPG I’ll link it in the description so you can read over it yourself if you’re interested.

So yeah, I read about this MMORPG somewhere and I thought It sounded interesting and wanted to show you guys about it, hopefully you found it interesting if not, sorry for having to sit through this! Well guys, thank you for watching and as always good day, night or afternoon wherever it is where you are, and I’ll see you guys in the next video!

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  • author image
    Paul says:
    This was the best game I ever played. Played on multiple server once the original IGG one got shut d...
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    Tina says:
    Weird that they elected to only show melee classes so far....
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    cancelled :/...
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