Hunter’s Arena: Legends 2020 Closed Beta Impressions

Hunter's Arena: Legends 2020 Closed Beta Impressions

Alright, let me preface this entire video with a question: Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to play an amalgamation of the Battle Royale, MOBA and RPG genres?
Because that’s what Hunter’s Arena: Legends is. It takes what was popular about the genres and combines them into a unique, compelling game filled with eliminating both players and NPC enemies in an attempt to secure your place as the number 1 badass in the arena.
But I’m getting a little ahead of myself here. There was a Closed Beta held for Hunter’s Arena this week and both Mrs Stix and I were invited as part of a sponsored pre-look so we could get in-game and show off what the game has to offer ahead of their next scheduled Closed Beta. The Beta will take place from April 22nd through April 26th.

So, we had the ability to participate in 2 of the various game modes available in-game. The 2v2 tag team and the 60 player free for all.
Admittedly, the 2v2 was a little more difficult than we had imagined it being considering we were thrown right into battle without much in the way of knowledge of our character, nor any real experience with the game.
But that was fine – the other players I feel were equally as handicapped. The free for all, the actual Battle Royale game mode was where the fun happens though.
See, it isn’t a traditional BR, instead, you’re thrown out into a world filled with not only 59 other players all trying to kill one another, but also a world filled with monsters that offer unique rewards for killing.
In each match you’re required to level your character up, and this involves hunting enemy monsters down and eliminating them. Monsters vary from traditional trash that you can mash your buttons through to elite boss-monsters that are significantly more difficult.
Naturally, boss monsters provide substantially better rewards so locating and eliminating them are a must. Additionally, on the PvE side of things there are dungeons.
We actually managed to make our way into one during one of the matches and Mrs Stix found herself not only face to face with a boss, but another player trying to claim the loot for himself.
So she killed him, took the boss and its loot as her own, and asserted her dominance over her fallen enemies.
The loot you get provides gear that ultimately helps you in battle against other players and additional boss monsters. And that’s where the RPG element comes in. Leveling and gearing yourself for content.

Honestly though, combat is an integral part of this game. It’s really all you do. Knowing this, it is imperative they make certain the combat is up to standards. And I’ll admit, the combat is pretty solid for a game in Beta testing.
Neither Mrs Stix nor I really ran into any issues. Each hero looked and felt very different from one another with every hero wielding a different weapon and having access to a different selection of skills.
Skills themselves were pretty flashy which in an action game like this is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, a beautiful action game with huge special effects covering your screen is quite the spectacle.
However on the other hand, too many special effects can really detract from being able to see what’s actively going on. Nevertheless, I’m a fan of the former; I love having special effects take up my screen especially magic.
There’s nothing quite like casting an explosion, seeing the screen slowly go white and… knowing nothing survived. Including you, sometimes.

Disregarding the special effects though, Hunter’s Arena is a beautiful game. The map you get to explore has several different environments, and each area has its own unique selection of monsters to combat.
Character models are gorgeous – some of the best I’ve seen in a multiplayer game. I noted this in my first Hunter’s Arena video – I’m a fan of beautiful characters.
I hate having to spend 3 hours making them, so I opt out of doing so, but I love when other people make beautiful characters and a game allows for me to import a template in that I can use.
Then I get to look pretty too! While you’re unable to design your hero, you do have access to 12 pretty awesome looking characters and each of them have their own unique selection of outfits to choose from.
This adds a layer of customization and provides goals to work towards. Well, a type of goal to work towards, at least. There are plenty of things you can work towards that aren’t related to outfits.

Honestly, the only MOBA I’ve ever played was DOTA. I never got into DOTA 2 or League of Legends. I’ve never played a Battle Royale because I like having a form of progression – even if it’s vertical progression.
This is why I love RPGs and MMOs, they provide that sense of progression missing from the other genres. So seeing how Hunter’s Arena tackles the genres was interesting.
I had fun the first 2 times I played the game and fun was had again this time as well, as I’m sure anyone that participated in the beta will tell you.
They have plans to continue developing the game and adding in new features, new game modes and new characters so there’s a lot to look forward to.

I feel like the game has a little ways to go but I’m still excited to see where this ends up.

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    Paul says:
    This was the best game I ever played. Played on multiple server once the original IGG one got shut d...
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    Tina says:
    Weird that they elected to only show melee classes so far....
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    cancelled :/...
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    can wait for global better than hsr too lets gooo...
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