Could Project V be the Next Big MMO?

Could Project V be the Next Big MMO?

This is.. kind of exciting. Vela Games, a studio made up of League of Legends vets has announced that they’re currently developing a brand new MMO.. but instead of it being a traditional MMORPG, it’s more of an MMOBA.
This is a genre that seeks to take the MOBA format – the skill sets you traditionally need to be successful within the genre and introduce it to a number of MMO mechanics such as large-scale dungeons and raids found within MMOs.
That’s kinda cool, right?

We have indie devs trying to make all these brand new upcoming MMOs based around “dynamic worlds,” “player-driven economies,” you know, truly “next generation titles.”
But here we have Vela taking 2 popular, successful genres in their own right and melding them together to actually make something a little more unique with a focus on something completely different to what players from both niches are used to, and let’s be real here.. that’s kinda where we need to see the genre heading.
We need to see developers like this take risks, innovate and do something that could potentially result in something entirely out of the ordinary – but highly enjoyable.


Very little is known about the game currently, but they have released a small teaser for the game along with some character art – and let me be the first to tell you – these characters look great.
Whoever did the artwork for these characters made them truly look gorgeous, and they deserve all the kudos in the world.

This is a game that will be centered around cooperative team skill. Since MOBAs are pretty much PvP-exclusive titles, and MMOs are honestly PvE games with PvP as a side-activity, Vela have confirmed that Project V is going to take place in-between both PvE and PvP.
For players that are looking to explore the PvE side of things, there is going to be plenty of things to do, plenty to explore as a PvE-exclusive player either solo or in a group.
Likewise, for players that are looking to pursue a competitive career, there will be the option to tackle PvP battles against other players exclusively as well. You won’t be forced into either type of game mode.
This is a promising direction to take the game as far too often we as PvE players are thrown into PvP conflicts that we’re unable to escape when all we want to do is grind a quest or farm materials.
And at the same time.. as a PvP player I know how frustrating it is not being able to contest the area or spawn I’m at when someone comes and attempts to steal my kills or items.
Having a balance between both PvE and PvP is a recipe for success when it comes to video games, and I’m glad the developers are aware of this.


Vela Games already have their eyes set on an Alpha test state of 2021. It’s unconfirmed when during 2021, but they went on to state that they’re aiming to hold a form of Closed Alpha testing “sometime during 2021.”
Evidently this could change, especially with the state the world is in right now but that is their goal.

If you’re looking to perhaps secure a spot in their upcoming Closed Alpha test, you can register for the test in advance using the link in the description or pinned comment below. We have instructions on how to go about pre-registering if you’re interested.


When asked if they have a release date for Project V, Vela Games stated that they’re not ready to share an expected release date as they’re unsure of how far they’ll even be able to push through the game over the course of 2021. And that makes sense.
The game is probably a ways off from being ready. If I were a betting man I’d wage a guess we’d get a Beta test phase in the middle of 2022 with a full release sometime during the beginning of 2023. But that’s just me.
They do note that you can join their Discord for additional information if you’re interested in keeping up to date with the game, which admittedly I would totally advise you do if this is something you’re genuinely interested in.

I know, I know. We really don’t know much about the game right now. We don’t know if this is going to be a third-person action game, whether this will have a top-down isometric perspective. We don’t fully know what type of graphical engine this is going to employ, or how deep the MMO and MOBA features will be.
Yet at the same time we have a confirmation that a dev studio with developers that have actually had success in the past are working on something that actually takes two well-known formulas and creates something entirely new and exciting to players of both genres.
Yes, this could end up crashing and burning, there’s definitely that risk there but I believe this is going to be completely free to play, so in the grand scheme of things.. worst case scenario, you what, waste a little time downloading and trying out the game? C’mon.


I think these ideas more than warrant some hype here, and knowing the experience these guys have, this could very well go on to be the next big MMO. Maybe not “the next big MMORPG,” but MMOs are larger and more inclusive.

Pre-Register for Project V!

Vela Games have confirmed they have pre-registrations open and available right now for the upcoming Alpha tests. Registering is easy. Navigate on over to the official website located HERE, scroll down until you see the text “JOIN THE PLAYTEST COMMUNITY,” enter your email, register, confirm your email and then you’re set. That’s all that is necessary to pre-register for any upcoming test right now.

  • author image
    DemonKingSheon Reply
    Dec 15, 2020 @ 15:57 pm

    I liike mmo’s

  • author image
    Shiroune Reply
    Dec 15, 2020 @ 16:04 pm

    Meh by the time this comes out Corepunk will already dominate mmorpg with moba combat field, they are kinda too late with that Idea, someone was faster 😀

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