Are we Getting a Horizon Zero Dawn MMORPG?

Are we Getting a Horizon Zero Dawn MMORPG?

I’m a huge fan of RPG games and Horizon Zero Dawn is one of my favorite RPGs of the last several years. Back when it released, I’d purchased and no-lifed through Horizon, Breath of the Wild and NieR Automata consecutively. Those were an absolutely amazing couple of weeks.
Ever since completing Horizon, however, I’d wondered when they’d go about announcing a sequel. This game was too amazing of a journey to not follow through with a sequel.

Guerilla Games, the developers behind Zero Dawn haven’t exactly hidden the fact that they’re actively working on Horizon Zero Dawn 2, as over the last couple weeks the studio has been in the process of looking for – quite aggressively I might add, new team members to fill out their ranks.
Among the positions they’re attempting to fill are keywords like “dramatic story-telling,” “RPG games” and “open-world” which is nothing unusual.
These are all core parts of what made Horizon Zero Dawn such an amazing experience to play through and, honestly, are kinda basic things to look for when recruiting or expanding your team with a game on the scale of Zero Dawn.
However, this is where things get a little bit more interesting. See, according to the job listing, they’re looking specifically for someone that is capable of “pushing the boundaries of dramatic storytelling in open-world games.” Okay, cool.
Furthermore, it would be beneficial if the person or people in question have extensive knowledge of stories and narrative design in open-world RPG games, online games and MMORPGs.
Yup – and there we have it. This right here is what you’re all here for – it was that little bit of info in specific that has caught MMO fans all around the world completely off guard. Why are they looking to fill out their team with developers who have experience in online games and MMORPGs?
Horizon Zero Dawn is nothing like an MMO – nor did it, to my knowledge, have online functionality with regards to other players.
The game was a 100% completely solo RPG. The game was tackled alone, had no drop-in feature that allowed you to do anything with another player. Nothing.
Does this mean they have plans on adding online multiplayer functionality to the sequel, then, allowing for players to play through the game cooperatively? Maybe they’ll adopt a system akin to the Pawn system in Dragons Dogma?
Or are they instead looking to create something completely unrelated to Horizon Zero Dawn, opting for a brand new IP with a focus on online play? Maybe they’re looking to expand their focus.

I know this is a little presumptuous. I do. But with so many places running this info about a potential Horizon Zero Dawn MMO I couldn’t help but talk about this. This could be some of the biggest news this year.
It could be one of the greatest things to hit the MMO scene in a long time. Heck, even if they opt purely for co-operative play as opposed to – and I’m gonna coin a new term here – MMOify Zero Dawn, I feel as though that’s a huge step in the right direction and more than reason enough to get hyped for this.
Some of my favorite games recently, Outward, Remnant: From the Ashes, Wolcen are all co-operative RPG games so you bet Mrs Stix and I would no-life this.

Now at present, Guerilla Games have yet to announce Horizon Zero Dawn 2 nor have the hinted at really anything pertaining to the game’s story or features.
However, it’s safe to say that regardless of whether or not they decide to pursue a Horizon MMO, a full co-operative campaign experience, or they merely want their team to consist of developers that have a lot of experience with MMORPGs for whatever reason, the game is in good hands.
Since the game has yet to even be officially confirmed, you can bet there’s no ETA on a release date.
But I’m excited either way. A Horizon Zero Dawn co-op game? Hell yeah. A Horizon-themed MMO? That would be a dream come true. But if all we get is a traditional sequel, then that’s more than enough as well, especially for a fan of the first game.

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