Are These KurtzPel Changes Enough to Revive the Game?

Are These KurtzPel Changes Enough to Revive the Game?

I think this is probably our most requested video in the last month. And there’s a reason for that.
KurtzPel was a game that many an MMO enthusiast was anticipating. We were under the impression it was going to be an MMO but were more than happy to learn at the time that it was more of a multiplayer online game instead.
I mean sometimes these games are really vague when it comes to classifying what genre they belong to, right?

So this update in specific is quite a large one. It added in content that players have been wanting for a long time now: PvE content.
Now don’t quote me as it’s been a long time since I actually played KurtzPel properly, but from what I recall, your character didn’t have levels, right? Like actual levels that increased through questing and running dungeons.
That’s changed now – Mrs Stix and I made it to level 12, level 13 I think over the course of our stream and let me tell you.. that was quite a grind.
But yes, not only are PvE dungeons now present in-game, but there are also a surplus of other PvE-related features to partake of as well.

Dungeons are broken down into 3 brackets: The level 1 through 10 content, which can only be run solo.
The level 11 through 20 content which is considerably more difficult than the former selection of dungeons and can be undertaken solo or with a group of up to 3 players.
And then finally the level 21 through 30 content which is actually quite an arduous task to undertake reaching, so I’ve been told.
It took us about 100 minutes to reach level 10 and party up with one another, along with some of you guys on stream. Then over the next 100 minutes we amassed maybe 3 levels at max. So you can see the leveling process slows down considerably after reaching the first threshold.
But that makes sense. Why would you want to move through the content faster than it can be produced, right? Now this does promote a rather repetitious cycle of re-running the same dungeons progressively more times as you continue to level further through towards the level cap.
We needed to run the final level 1 dungeon 5 times to unlock the level 10 content, and had to re-run the second dungeon 5? 6? times to unlock the third dungeon. You can see where I’m going with this.

Then came the gear. I don’t recall there being gear like this present in-game before.
Not only did the gear have level requirements – but the gear also had beneficial statistics, such as attack power, HP or break damage to name a few. This meant that there was a purpose to running the dungeons and grinding the gear.
A sense of progression outside of “farm the same PvP fights over and over.” I mean this is in essence “farm the same PvE fights over and over” but it adds a certain level of variety nevertheless, right? And that’s always welcome.

Unfortunately I did notice that while the dungeons themselves were just rooms of waves of enemies – and don’t get me wrong, that’s how Hub-MMOs like Soul Worker and Vindictus work as well so I don’t have an issue with it – the boss encounters were reused from the old story content.
The story from each of the original Karma’s. That was a little disappointing, but for players that never got to see them or fight them, I can’t see this being an issue.
Speaking of story, there’s a story re-introduced into the game, and a functional questing system that pushes you through unlocking all of the dungeon content.
Which was definitely something that I found was sorely missing from the game. Every game should have a story that you can lose yourself in – that’s part of playing a game.

Overall I was surprised by how much was added into the game – or rather, re-added into the game with this update.
I didn’t expect nearly this much, and I guarantee there’s content added that I glossed over. And while I don’t think this is really going to “revive” the game so to speak, I do think it’s a solid step in the right direction.
PvP games need PvE, and PvE games need PvP. They’re two halves of online gaming, and cater to two very different communities and players. So taking the time to understand that is integral to having a successful game.

Has my opinion on KurtzPel changed? Not really. I still don’t think it’s an amazing game. I feel like the PvE is a nice, welcome change that has definitely added more to the game but I don’t feel as though it’s enough to warrant playing actively.

But don’t take my word for it. The game is free after all – you could always try it out yourself.

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